
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Water Will Affect The Community

All of the project managers were asked to evaluate what they thought the communities need is and how their group will address it. Each project manager has a different project but all involve the issues of the water industry. They were also asked if this issue will affect their lives. Like always, they were asked how they are getting their students engaged in this issue being addressed. It’s always great seeing the different ways the project manager's get their students involved and how they feel they can best contribute to the high school student’s success!

The issue that my Lead to Succeed project addresses is the water issues of Milwaukee. This is stemming from the issue of jobs not being filled in the water industry, simply because people are not educated on this matter. I feel that the issue has potential to affect my life because water is an essential part of life. This community need for clean water will also affect my team member's future if this issue is not addressed.

As a project manager, in order to make my students engaged and interested in this issue we try to not only apply the concepts directly to their lives, but also make sure that during this process it is fun and exciting. Some examples of how they are currently interested are; they dedication to the meetings, even outside of the required meetings. They are having a lot of fun with the interviews they partake in and the entire process of going to the locations, ect. I hope to keep the students on this path of excitement towards reaching the final project! “ -- Rachel – PLI

The community need that my Lead to Succeed project will be addressing is water conservation. We are addressing this by painting custom rain barrels that we will be selling to the public. I think the community need for water conservation will indeed affect me in my life, because the more water we can conserve now the better everyone else and myself will be in the future! The high school students in my team may not think that their community’s need for fresh water will affect them now, but it will definitely affect them in the future when there may not be a lot of water to use like there is now.

I will get my team engaged and interested in conserving water and making custom rain barrels by explaining how it will affect them, using social media to promote it, and by showing them how to use their creative and artistic skills to draw and paint their own designs on the rain barrels! They are already engaged and focused because they get to pick and use their own designs for the rain barrels, a lot of students are very artistic, but they did not know that because they never get the chance to show it!” – Lacy - NeuLife

Michael believes water also plays a crucial role in his team’s life!

My team, along with the two other teams at my site, is all working with water. I think water plays a crucial role in the spring of life. Its effects are not always on the surface and growing up the issue of water preservation was not ingrained in my head by my parents or teachers. I wish I had a program in my formative years like Lead to Succeed.

I certainly feel that water will affect my group’s life. We must always take care of our natural resources. Water might take up 75% of the world but drinkable water is in high demand and politicians battle every day for their constituent’s share. It might not take a direct toll on them now, but if we over consume we will put ourselves in danger.

I don’t believe it’s hard to engage the fertile minds of my team, since they all seem to have a thirst for the issue. Regardless, I am trying to integrate fun into what most people- not my team members- may find to be a dry subject.

I found that going out in the field and experiencing a real-life interview with a certified organization really engaged them intellectually. I encouraged them to believe that they were capable in pulling off a professional- level interview. I told them they would be surprised at how well they could equip themselves in that kind of setting and they all responded to that challenge. “ -- Michael -- PLI

December 2010

Coming Soon: New LTS Project

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

·         Youth Volunteerism Campaign:
o   Students will learn about the importance of youth volunteerism on the volunteer and the community as a whole and brainstorm creative and innovative ways to spread the word to their peers. They will then encourage youth volunteerism in Milwaukee by creating a powerful and engaging presentation to be delivered at local schools, churches and recreation centers. Location of the Project Team is at the Mary Ryan Boys and Girls Club.
o   Supporting Community Organization: The Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee

Mentor's thoughts from the Custom Rain Barrel Business Project

“Lead to Succeed was a wonderful opportunity for me because it gave me a chance to become a mentor and a teacher and it has been a great way for me to get a feel for the Milwaukee Public School system, as I will soon be placed in a school to shadow teachers around Milwaukee to learn how to interact and become an effective leader among Milwaukee’s new generations of learners. I feel that that future experience will only be easier because of the work I did with Lead to Succeed as a mentor.  
Not only did I benefit from the experience I got as a mentor, but I also learned many things about the Milwaukee water system that I didn’t know.  I never realized the extent that individuals like Cora Lee Palmer, from MMSD, did to help raise awareness of the water problem that we are all facing.”
–Ty Uhen (Mentor with Neu-Life Community Resource Center)

Global Youth Service Day Mentors' Thoughts

“I had a meeting with Kae DonLevy from Gathering Waters, and as a result gained more knowledge on the water industry, especially water conservation and how to improve our water quality.  She gave an in depth description of how we, as a community, can work together to fight the issues that we face with water. The information that I received was helpful information that I was able to pass on to the class that I mentor in.”
 –Tricia Pfeil (Mentor with St. Joan Antida)

“The Lead to Succeed study guide is really helpful, we have an initiative to develop a project for Global Youth Service Day that focuses on the water industry and services our clients, Milwaukee Department of City Development and 16th Street Community Health Center. The high school students are extremely bright and capable and we just need to allow them to use that and steer them towards completion of the project.”
 –Steve McAllister (Mentor with SUPAR and St. Joan Antida)

2010-2011 Projects!


 Tuesday, November 23, 2010
·         Global Youth Service Day Project:
o   Students will learn about the water industry and how water affects our environment. The students will later brainstorm and plan water related service projects that will become part of Global Youth Service Day (April 2011). Locations of the different Project Teams are St. Joan Antida and the School for Urban Planning and Architecture (SUPAR).
o   Supporting Community Organizations: Milwaukee Department of City Development (DCD) and 16th Street Community Health Center 
·         Custom Rain Barrel Business Project:
o   Students will learn about the water industry and how water affects our environment. They will later develop a custom design rain barrel business in which residents, businesses and community organizations can order their own attractively decorated rain barrel. Locations of the different Project Teams are Neu-Life Community Resource Center and Milwaukee High School of the Arts.
o   Supporting Community Organizations: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
·         Financial Literacy Project:
o   Students will learn about financial literacy and then they will develop and present several related workshops at area schools. Location of the Project Team is the School For Urban Planning and Architecture (SUPAR)
o   Supporting Community Organization: Wells Fargo