
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Financial Literacy Project 3/4/11

College Mentors lead a team of high school students in developing/presenting several financial literacy workshops at area schools

The past two weeks have been extremely productive for the Financial Literacy students at SUPAR. We have narrowed in on our project parameters, which include classroom presentations, an interactive worksheet, and a Facebook page containing information on the program as well as several links to various interactive programs designed by our sponsor, Wells Fargo, to teach the basics of financial literacy. Today we spent the majority of our classroom time discussing the importance of budgeting money. The kids were excited to utilize a program called "Savings Quest"(created by Wells Fargo) which interactively taught them about variable, fixed, and discretionary expenses. Overall, we are continuing to make progress and the students are showing more and more investment in the project, which is fantastic!
-Rachel Schwarz

Since we started really diving into the project guide, the students have come up with some great ideas of their own.  They have really taken headway into creating a Facebook page for the Financial Literacy project.  Since the network has become so popular they figured it would be a great way to connect with their peers.  The page will consist of the mission statement they created, links to great financial literacy websites and activities, and we also hope to include a picture of the whole group.  There are a few other things we would like to add, but they are still in the creation phase.  The students also came up with goals for how many people to present to.  The easiest way to start is to go do the presentation to their own classmates that attend SUPAR, then, they would like to present to the school upstairs; Carmen.  Those two schools alone will help them reach out to at least 100 students.  Another part of their goal is to find ten teachers who are willing to let the students come in to present. With the help of Wells Fargo’s Hands on Banking website, I know the students will be able to tell/teach their peers the importance of financial literacy.
-Chelsee Bates
Well hello there! My name is Luke Chambers, a new Lead to Succeed college mentor that will be assisting in the Financial Literacy Project and Youth Volunteerism Campaign. The past few weeks I have gotten to know the students from SUPAR that are involved in the Financial Literacy Project. Each of the students I have found to be very different from each other and myself. I feel this exposure to differences is socially and educationally beneficial to the students and to me.

The Past few weeks we have discussed the formation of the project itself, how to incorporate it into the school and spread the word of financial literacy. Being a Senior at UWM studying Economics, I was able to share with them the basics and importance of financial literacy. We cleared up common misconceptions, taught basics to banking, budgeting, and investment, and other topics. The students have started their research and started to form their campaign structure. They have found some great sources, and seem to be getting more motivated over time. I am looking forward to getting to know the students more, sharing my knowledge, and helping them throughout the process as needed.

-Luke Chambers

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