
Friday, February 28, 2014

Lead to Succeed springs into action.

For Lead to Succeed spring semester stands for three things, warm weather, new students, and most of all new projects.  Last week our college project managers were introduced to the students that they will be working with this spring and the projects that they are looking to work on.   We are excited to see what they have planned and the projects that they come up with.  Here are a few posts from our College Project Managers.

"My first session was nerve racking. The first time you go do something you never have done before is a scary experience. After I went to the school and got situated, it was great. I had a great time with helping out the students. I want to be a teacher one day and helping out with the students with their project is something that is really intriguing to me.

The thing that surprised me was how much information these students know about their project. I wasn't necessary shocked with that students could have so much ability with what they knew but how some of the students could be so focused on what they were doing. The first day the students were instructed to draw out what they were going to do. What I saw within my group was how each person compensated for each other. One student could draw good, another student took charge, another student looked up information, and the other students helped out or gave ideas. They worked great together. 

I wouldn't say that the students had weaknesses other then the fact they acted like typical high school students. Strengths they have is that they know what they are doing. They need to just put it all together. The project that my group is working on is explaining to third and fourth graders the importance of water in general. Such as water filtration, facts about water, and how important water is to everyone. I am very excited because they seem passionate and focused on the task of what they want to do to demonstrate to the children.
-Joel Guidinger

“I’m helping out at the Wisconsin Conservatory for Lifelong Learning. The first few sessions with my project team were alright. Their goal is to come up with a presentation of some sort about an aspect of water processes. One group is working on a presentation for elementary school children, while the other is working on a presentation for middle school kids.

The elementary school group is making a board game with trivia questions, and their project seems to be moving along nicely. The middle school group is presenting an animated video explaining how water gets from the lake to your sink. Though distractions and lack of focus has set them back a bit, I’m confident that they’ll be on task in the next few sessions and really get moving on a project that will turn out to be very informative.

As I mentioned, the lack of focus is a major weakness in general between most of the students. There are a couple of students that really try to bring the others back together and get them to stay on task. It’s very nice to see other students taking the initiative like that, and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with them in the coming weeks.”
-Nick Lister (Lifelong Learning)

“The Service Learning I am enrolled in takes place at Vincent High School.  The project that the student's are focusing on is a "water and health" learning guide.  They are creating a blog and doing some other outside of the classroom work to promote what they have learned.  

Recently this past Monday I had my first learning service experience.  Not all of the students showed up which made getting the project started kind of a hassle.  Otherwise, with the students there, they were very involved in doing the required research that they are supposed to do to find out information about water, and the fact with water.  

The students worked on the computers most of the time looking things up for their project.  I was not able to help as much during this part, but I was able to give them a good direction on what to research, and why it was important.  The first day was successful because the students were able to build report on things that they didn't know before.    I am very excited to see how this project turns out, hopefully more of the students make it to the next class next Monday!
-Jennifer Sullivan (Vincent High)

“My first session with the project team was very insightful and a learning experience. I say a learning experience because I actually learned something from these kids. I also think its a great thing what they are doing in the community. 

What surprised me is how much older the kids behaved. I expected more smart mouths, simply because of their age category, but they were well behaved. 

My teams weaknesses will be staying focused and on task. They also seem interested in what they are actually doing and learning that is a very strong strength. Another strength that I see is they all seem to respect each other; this can make meeting and communicating more easily. 

My team project includes a demoralization of how TAP water and Bottled water are similar. Prior to coming here, I have always heard how both of these sources of water is similar but I never understood how or why. 
-Marquis Williams (Escuela)