
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2011-2012 Kickoff!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The school year is well underway, and we here at Lead to Succeed are busier than ever! With all of our projects finalized, we're ready to get started and send our college Project Managers to their locations! Here's what we've got in store for the 2011-2012 school year:

Youth Water Website- With the help of our fantastic college Project Managers from UWM and Alverno College, students at area high schools will be designing a website that will introduce youth to the Southeastern Wisconsin water industry. They'll be explaining why is water important, businesses & career paths in the water industry, and how you can make a difference in conservation efforts.  Small teams of students will work on researching website content, highlighting water projects, and will even be working with professionals from Discovery World to create the website!

Multicultural Mural- A brightly colored mural will stand tall in the Waukesha area when Lead to Succeed finishes this school year! Our Project Managers will be leading a team of high school students in designing and painting this mural that will celebrate Waukesha's cultural diversity.  This project will also contain a video documentary component, so keep checking our blog for updates and video clips!

Skate Park Project- College Project Managers will be leading a team of high school students from Waukesha South in planning for a new skateboard park to be built in the City of Waukesha.  This is a multi-year project that will involve grant writing for the funding needed to build the park, creating preliminary designs, and soliciting input from Waukesha youth on what they would like included in the park. We can't wait for this one to get started!

Youth Volunteerism Project- Students from Milwaukee Excel High School will be volunteering at various locations in Milwaukee throughout the course of the semester. Our Project Managers will attend these short volunteer activities with the high school students and their supervisors, and act as mentors by encouraging them to think about Milwaukee's cultural diversity and community needs. Not only will the college students be engaging in service learning, but they will be encouraging the high school students to do the same by reflecting on their service.  Excel students will display their achievements and successes through a PowerPoint, short documentary, youth volunteerism campaign, or other visual outlet.

Stay tuned for more details! Soon we'll have plenty of updates from our college Project Managers!